Victory Leadership FASTTRACK
Victory Leadership FastTrack is a Christ-centred, college level equipping track that takes place right in the convenience of your own local Church.
VLFT provides you with theological and biblical teaching, strong leadership training, direct mentorship, and hands-on serving experience.
If you are interested in taking your leadership to the next level, both in the church, and also in the marketplace then our Victory Leadership FastTrack is for you!

Weekly In-Person Courses
Join classes with proven instructors who will equip you with practical, Bible-based courses that will prepare you to lead in your life, your home, your church and the marketplace.
Each course is a total of 6 - 8 hours in length, and will be offered one to two evenings a week at your local church.
Peer Learning and Interaction
Increase your leadership impact by getting around like-minded leaders who are learning and growing right alongside of you.

Mentoring and Individual Support
Experience personal support and guidance from seasoned mentors, who will help equip you to serve and learn in your local church and areas of ministry.